Although it may seem that I am the only one behind this website, the opposite is true. Without help and support, it would never have been created. First, thanks to Tereza from Tereza, I´d like to thank you so much for your professional and creative approach, great ideas, and inspiration. You turned my vision into a reality even better than I could ever imagine. You have shown me that one can be brave and do things differently. Furthermore, I´d like to thank my girls, Bara and Bara, for their constant support, enthusiasm, opinions, suggestions, and comments. Big shout-out also to Dan for his exhaustive proofreading of my English on the HOMEPAGE and the ABOUT ME section. And last but not least, thanks to David, who never stopped supporting me and never doubted (unlike me) that I could do it. Finally, I would like to thank for showing me the world of scientific illustration, which allowed me to (re)discover the creativity of science. I have to say that the discovery of BioRender was at the very beginning, and I use it along with Adobe Illustrator to create images for the web and instagram almost every day. Big thanks also belong to SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics for creating ViralZone, a place that has always been an incredible help and inspiration for creating correct viral structures. And finally, I would like to thank the creators of the DeepL translator, which greatly facilitated my efforts to have a bilingual website.